Integration Made Easy
When you connect with products powered by Somfy, rest assured that we’ve worked directly with our manufacturer partners to help make integration simple, safe and secure. Our Somfy Synergy™ API and available certified drivers make it easier than ever to integrate motorized shading with third-party control systems regardless of technology or brand. We have solutions to fit all project needs, regardless of shade specifications, power or technology requirements. With 200 million motors produced and more than 50 years of innovation, Somfy can help design and implement reliable solutions for any size shading project which can be operated using most major control platforms.
Our Motorization Partners

Our motorization partners are experienced in working with Somfy products to ensure design and motorization blend seamlessly.

Improve the accessibility, security, and comfort within a home.
Seamlessly integrate motion through your design.
Better integrate people with the places where they live, work, and play.